
Sugartime- Awestruck b/w Gemini Enemy


This is the last of the first records I bought when I first got a record player.  A decent enough record, but, to be honest, I was never super into this type of stuff.  This came out on Simple Machines which was a label that embodied the whole early 90's indie/DIY ethic.  Based out of Arlington, VA, the label existed-geographically and musically-between Merge down in North Carolina and Dischord and Teen Beat up in D.C.  While I wasn't that into everything they did (I never cared much for Tsunami for instance), their insistence on making things happen for themselves and the palpable enthusiasm for the bands and labels they worked with was always pretty right on.  Don't know a whole lot about this band.  I just saw another single of theirs a few months back at a record show, so they had at least a few records out.  I think there was a Nice Strong Arm Connection somehow.  Guitar pop that is a little too clean for my tastes, but it's got a big guitar sound and that very up front bass that gives this record a bit more meat than a lot of bands milking this teat.  This is one of those records that when on the rare occasion that I pull it out it always sounds a little better than I remember it.

1 comment:

biopunk said...

Thanks for putting up this one. I've been looking for a copy of Awestruck since I first heard it back in '93.

Now the "old man's mind" lyric has way more relevance...
