
Trumans Water- Hey Fish

Drunken Fish

Nice early single from this very  prolific band.  It's a name you don't hear that much these days, which is a shame.  Their output, which includes, christ, I think like a dozen singles or something in addition to a bunch of EPs, full lengths, and compilation contributions,  is all over the place.  When it works though it can be quite a nice bit of racket.  A couple of particularly great tracks here make this one of their stronger records for sure.  This is on Drunken Fish out of L.A.which for awhile put out some great records. Most notably was probably the Harmony of the Spheres triple LP set, but the whole roster was pretty solid.  lots of gems from the noisier fringes of the indi world of the time.  One of these guys was born again and left the group to start the christian-themed Soul Junk.  Now that's something you don't hear about everyday.

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