
Tyvek/Cheveu Split

A split release to coincide with a joint US trek last summer.  Detroit's Tyvek deal in the sort of attitude heavy, no fidelity scuzz that the midwest seems to spew out every 15 years or so.  It takes some cajones to flog a past dead horse like Punk Rock anymore, but Tyvek have managed to turn out a few singles worth of greatness that should be enough to placate even the most jaded curmudgeons out there.  I haven't heard enough from Parisian Art-Rock weirdos Cheveu to completely wrap my head around what exactly it is they do.  The handful of tracks I've heard haven't provided any real answers, just raised more questions.  This go around they come across like a team of Mexican wrestlers trying to cover Chrome tunes or something.  That description would probably sound retarded without a record like this to back it up.

1 comment:

Brushback said...

I grabbed this, didn't get a chance to listen to it, but hey, thanks.